Hips Lips Swords Power (full month)
Hips Lips Swords Power (full month)
Sword bellydance improvisation & choreography
Service Description
Note: Class will not be held on September 1. This month we'll meet on September 8, 15, 22, and 29. A sword can be used to show off your skill at isolation, to highlight the lines of your own body, to cut beautiful lines in space, and to turn a move into magic. Instructor Angie Never will lead you through these concepts, using improvisational and modern fusion bellydance as the foundation of our vocabulary. We'll practice balancing, leveling, turning, and more to give you the skillset you need to show off both the sword and your own personal power. A balanced bellydance sword is required for this class. You are most likely to succeed in this class if you have one year of dance experience and one year of training in improvisational group bellydance, such as Fat Chance Belly Dance style. This class is taught from a Body Positive perspective. We will operate from the assumption that all bodies are awesome bodies, and it's our job to figure out all the cool stuff they can do. Choose to register for the whole month for a discount or pick classes individually. This class is available in person at Sacred Shimmy Studio, live on Zoom, or on demand via recording. Please indicate when you register whether you plan to attend in person or online. All classes are recorded, and all participants will have access to the recordings after class. Email angienever@gmail.com with any questions. Sword bellydance Columbus Ohio
Cancellation Policy
All class passes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Cancellation to any regularly scheduled class will be announced on Angie Never's Facebook page, the Sacred Shimmy Studio Facebook page, and in the Sacred Shimmy Studio Dance Discussion Group. Classes will be automatically moved to online in the event of a Level One Snow Emergency in Franklin County.
Contact Details
4875 Hendron Road, Groveport, OH, USA